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It's about where you end up.
There’s an overachieving spirit here at Arkansas Tech University. We’re never content
with the way things are. We’re always striving, reaching, working toward a better
tomorrow. Our alumni never settle for less than the best from themselves. Our faculty
never settles for less than the best from our students. Our students never settle
for less than the best from their university.
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Whether you’re enrolling in an undergraduate program, pursuing a graduate degree or finishing something you started years ago, Arkansas Tech is focused on helping you achieve your goal. Because your success is our success. From the moment you join the ATU community, you’ll have support every step of the way.
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With enrollment of just over 12,000 students, Arkansas Tech University is now the third largest institution of higher learning in the state. Despite our phenomenal growth we know it’s not the size of the dog in the fight but the fight in the dog that counts. Like our beloved Jerry the Bulldog, tenacity and grit are part of our DNA.
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At ATU, we're a family and we help each other succeed.

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All of this rolls into a total college experience not found anywhere else in the nation.
And it sets you up for success right after graduation. It’s why Arkansas Tech University
was ranked the No. 1 college for upward social mobility in Arkansas and why we have
alumni working in 35 different countries around the world.
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Excellence doesn't stop when you leave ATU. Our alumni are just getting started.

Rachel works to set emergency management policies as a Senior Policy Analyst for the The Cadmus Group in Washington, D.C. Thanks to her Arkansas Tech education, Rachel was prepared to step into a national emergency management role.

Adena works to share the message of her local community as the Director of Communications at a Chamber of Commerce. Through her journalism degree from ATU, Adena was ready to help the organization effectively communicate to its members.

Kevin leads others as the owner of 10 McDonald’s across Tulsa, Oklahoma and a former CFO of McDonald’s franchises. AT ATU, Kevin learned grit, determination and that people matter, skills that have helped him succeed.